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Re: Arrrrr i need tips/tricks/advice etc etc

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Posted by azteclizard on April 11, 2003 at 06:02:05:

In Reply to: Arrrrr i need tips/tricks/advice etc etc posted by MarthaStewart on April 11, 2003 at 00:59:28:

I told you what I do. Don't offer any other food until they accept the diet. If the geckos are heathy and not sick, it is extremely unlikly that they would choose starving over eating. I monitor what they eat by not filling the lids i use all the way with food. Look around the edges of the circle of food the next day to see if any was eaten.
good luck,
:I cant get my cresties to eat the cretie diet. I tried mixing it with baby food but they wont touch it. They wont even touch the baby food i give them. Only thing they eat are crickets..... those crickets arrr. Anyway i need all possible opinions,tips, adivces, money babies, blue crested geckos to help. Thank you in advance.

:(oh and i just want to know if its normal for my gecko to have REALLLLLLy thin streaks of blood red, you have to go up close to see but its like a blood red streaking. The dominant color of my gecko is like a light brown fire)


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