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Re: Are these guys old enough to determine sex?

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Posted by Pennebaker on April 05, 2003 at 14:00:38:

In Reply to: Are these guys old enough to determine sex? posted by Kat on April 05, 2003 at 01:13:12:

Hi Kat,
I'm glad the lil' cresties have apparently done good for you.
It's hard to say just from the pictures, but it does look like #1 is a female. #2 could be male, but it's hard to tell from that angle. The bulge on #2 doesn't look big enough to indicate masculinity with certainty. Another month of time will tell for certain.

Most of the cresties we hatched at the same time as these two have turned-out to be females. Actually, most of the cresties we held onto from last season turned-out to be females. I think there is a good possibilty that they could both still be females.

I hope you are happy with them. They appear to be very healthy and I'm sure you're taking great care of them.
Go ahead and email me some more pics as time progresses and i'm sure I could figure-out exactly what sex both of thoses cresties are.
good luck

:I picked these guys up from Sundial reptiles back in January... think they're old enough to sex? If so, would any one care to give an educated guess?

:(Gecko 1)

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