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Received the "Rhac Bible">>>

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Posted by leprachaun13 on February 21, 2003 at 22:05:57:

I ordered the Rhacodactylus book over a week ago, and it was delivered today to much anticipation. As soon as I looked and saw the box on the table, I got all excited, tore the box open, and started reading immediately. (yea, i know, I'm a loser)

I've already gotten through about half of the book, and although I may sound like a nerd, the book is I recommend it to anyone who's interested in that information about Rhacs that they can't find on the internet. It has basically everything that you ever needed or would want to know about the rhacodactylus family, and even Mr. Sandfire Dragon Ranch, Allen Repashey is quoted in the book.

Sorry my post may only be somewhat coherent, but that's out of excitment, too much reading, and sleep deprevation.

Good Luck, and I recommend the book (Rhacodactylus: Biology, Natural History & Husbandry by Robert Seipp &
Friedrich Wilhelm Henkel)


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