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Posted by Raymond Moreno on September 27, 2002 at 07:29:47:

In Reply to: WHO SELLS THE \ posted by Raymond Moreno on September 25, 2002 at 22:17:36:

Hey guys,

thanks for all the help and leads. (My "favourites list" for sellers of reptile literature is growing by the minute)!!

I ended-up finding the same book at "East Bay Vivarium" (in Berkeley), for $45.00. (Which satisfied my need to have it well as being able to support/patronize my local reptile shop).

Thanks again...and the book is turning-out to be very informative. (About ALL of the "Rhacodactylus" species).

In Christ: Raymond

:Hey guys,

:a few posts ago, someone posted a link to a website called "Trempers Lizard Ranch". These folks were supposed to sell the "Rhacodactylus" book for the "nice price" of $37.50...shipped to your door.

:But I have e-mailed these guys a few times, over a few different days, and they have not responded to me.

:So if someone does not answer their e-mails in regards to a sale, then I do not feel comfortable with their customer service!! (Blah, ka-pooie, thhhhhhhhhhhh)!!!!!

:So does anyone know who sells this book for a decent price?

:Between "Barnes & Noble," and "," they're averaging between $150.00 to $60.00!! (Waaaaaay too expensive).

:So if someone can post A LINK to a site that is "reputable," has good customer service, answers their e-mails promptly, and has a fair price...I'de appreciate it.

:Thanks, folks!!

:In Christ Raymond

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