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thanks for clearing that up....

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Posted by kissametoukas on February 16, 2003 at 12:38:09:

In Reply to: Re: If geckos can't be blue........ posted by falconer44 on February 15, 2003 at 09:03:59:

I thought you were implying that no gecko could be blue, now your post makes more sense to me. From what I get from the post, if an animal is not naturally blue there are two ways you can "create" a blue animal. A melanistic form of green (blue+yellow=green so green-yellow=blue) which would not work with cresties since they are not green, they are olive (tan+black+yellow=olive). And the second path you talked about would only be an animal that appears blue like the one at the website. Is this right?

:well, i am not sure on all the stuff i quoted, but i was talking about crested geckos. Crested geckos and tokays are different species, so if one can be blue it dosent mean the other can.
:I admit the fact that tokays, day geckos, and many other species can be blue, but what i am saying is that to date there is no blue CRESTED gecko, that is truly blue like a tokay or day gecko is.
:I am sorry i did not make that more clear in my first post






::Not only are tokays blue geckos, but they're quite common!


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