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Re: My opinon of the blue morph.....

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Posted by falconer44 on February 14, 2003 at 14:54:04:

In Reply to: Re: My opinon of the blue morph..... posted by leprachaun13 on February 14, 2003 at 10:36:47:

well i am not sure on all of the pigment stuff that i included in my post, that was a direct quote from the link i provided.
remember that the day geckos,(phelsuma), are a completely different group of geckos than rhacs, so there are differnces between them scientifically.
as for cresteds becoming blue, who knows. There may be some, but it all depends on the individuals eye and how they interpret the color.
the blue crested to me is much like the albino crested. There are none to prove it, but we all hope they exist.

just my $.02

What about some of the geckos from Phelsuma? I've seen some with electric blue tails and such. Especially P. v-nigra, on the GGA website some of the photos of Phelsuma v-nigra

:are amazingly blue. And what about P. ornata? The pictures they have are almost get blue with some red speckling. P. ornata

:Shouldn't that mean that cresteds should atleast have the ability of creating the blue "pigment"? Forgive me if I'm missing something, but I'm just learning about this as we go along. I think this is a really great discussion, keep it up!

:Just some of my input


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