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Re: now that I understand the you find........

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Posted by RHACO-JACKO on September 26, 2002 at 08:26:51:

In Reply to: now that I understand the you find........ posted by STARMOM on September 25, 2002 at 18:54:43:

Wow, your catching on fast with the lingo. To answer your question can be difficult, because I hate to use human behavior as it may relate to animals. But I feel that each of my cresteds (14 total) have different personalities\behaviors. When I setup the tanks male with female I look at what colors I want to produce and I may use a larger female in with an agressive male(when I say aggressive, I mean relentless breeders). Some Of my males with chase, bite and hold onto the female (even if she drags him around the cage) until he does his thing. So in the end you really need to play it by ear and make a judgement call based on the animals you have and not by mine or anyone elses. But in general when their not mating all my tanks, wether it be 1.1 or 1.3 is quite peaceful. I keep 1.1 in ten gallon tanks and the 1.3 in a 20 gallon high.

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