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Great Mix>>>

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Posted by leprachaun13 on January 16, 2003 at 21:03:14:

In Reply to:'s my mix.... posted by Tegan on January 16, 2003 at 17:56:00:

That's a great recipe. The only difference is that I tend to use real fruit instead of baby food. I'll buy a mango, some bananas, and sometimes a little kiwi (not too much b/e it's high in vitamin C). Then, I'll leave the fruit out for a week maybe, then when they're overripe, and fragrant, I throw them into the blender. Then finally I'l freeze them, and to half of the cubes, I'll add some meat baby food, to vary it a little.

I have a question though. You said that you add the calcium/supplements in when you freeze the food, I put it in after, because I heard somewhere that the supplementation looses some of it's strength when it's frozen then heated up. I was just wondering if there's actually any truth to this, because if not, my next batch of frozen rhac food is gonna have the calcium in it.
Thanks a lot


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