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Re: ok, which Rhac's eat the baby food other than fruit types?

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Posted by mikecoscia on January 16, 2003 at 17:19:07:

In Reply to: ok, which Rhac's eat the baby food other than fruit types? posted by STARMOM on January 16, 2003 at 11:05:57:

Variety is a good thing, however you can have too much fruit. IMO it is only needed 2-3 times a week. Otherwise you are going to have one fat gecko….lol. Aurics have a major sweet tooth (which is prob why they are bulkier then cresteds) and you really have no choice but to give it to them. However they need the protein in order to grow properly. A mixture of 2:1 (fruit to meat) usually works. Any more meat and they wont eat it, remember your trying to trick them….hehe. Hopefully within a few months they will start taking crix and you have a choice of when to offer them fruit or not. My guys started taking them around 5-6 months. However they don’t eat anywhere near as much as the crested geckos. But it enough to give them a breather from all the fruit they eat. Anyway just some of my experiences =).

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