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Re: About the whole Leachie thing.......

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Posted by STARMOM on January 13, 2003 at 19:27:28:

In Reply to: About the whole Leachie thing....... posted by Clipso on January 13, 2003 at 18:34:59:

I tend to be stubborn too! I got into the lizard thing because I found myself facinated by veiled chams, every time I went into my local exotic shop to get supplies I HAD to watch them, then I startetd to research what was involved in keeping them well, and discovered that this was not an example of something for a beginner which I was at the time, also they DO NOT like to be held and we "really like to handle our pets, gently of course!" then I checked out the beginning lizard forum here and read and read and read, decided to start with a leo, that led to two more leos and my first cresty, then came the bearded dragon, and now the second cresty and the gargoyle......

Im also facinated by the leachie and I love the sheer size, but I think that im gonna have to hold off on that for awhile, its gonna be investment, between the housing,lighting, and the animal they HAVE TO have pinkies??? that would be another problem for me.

Anyway, its smartest to hold back those urges to "jump into" things in the long run its best for the animal and for us, its stressful, trying to juggle household bills because you spent you bill $$$ on critters and supplies... of course for the older folk here like me, we have all done it from time to time, he...he...he...he... Anyhow for me I would need LOTS more info before I would do it....

Take care and congrads on your, good sense!


:I am sorry, I can be a bit stubbern headed. I am going to get some crested geckos first and then I will be on and looking for a good leachie breeder to get a leachie from. Right now I wanted to find and talk to people who have crested geckos and who can maybe find me a good breeder. Thanks guys and sorry i was so pig headed.

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