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Re: the previous is a blank post...anyway Ray.......

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Posted by STARMOM on January 11, 2003 at 17:58:23:

In Reply to: Re: LOST IN DEE TWILITE ZONE... posted by STARMOM on January 11, 2003 at 17:48:21:

All I can say is that this day at work couldnt go fast enough for me, Im beyond excitement! I plan on leaving home to get there when it opens.........We want to see EVERYTHING! at least once or more! and we want to get some choice of what we decide to bring home, as it is on that note going this morning would have been even better but what can you do....

Its gonna be a bit like a girls day out for my eldest daughter and myself, we dont get alot of time together without the four year old driving us nuts! (very spirited high maintenance preschooler)

I like the pic of the spider gecko, its cool, but you know me I have do do alot of reading, looking at pics and gets LOTS and LOTS of info before I add critters to the corral!

I tell ya If I could hack feeding mice to something else I would probably have a corn snake too, they are soooooooooooooooo beautiful, but I just cant do the mouse as food does not work for me...

im planing on taking alot of pictures and you can bet I will post something about what we come home with and about our day! the vibe is soooooooooo amazing already! Ive bribed my eldest to clean her room like she never has because im taking her with me (any bribery will do) she hates to clean and a naturally sloppy/cluttery person, needless to say she is working away ;~)
Reemail me those pics of sticky and shoot...


::I beleive you know me well enough to know that I like being different from all the rest of the "ornry folks". So any "unique animal" immediately catches my attention. And the SPIDER gecko was one of the first ones that caught my attention when I was on the hunt for my first gecko.

::They are called "Agamura Persica". And if I remember correctly, are desert dwelling critters. And I FAINTLY remember someone stating that when young, they have the ability to adhear to objects. And as they get older, they lose this ability. (But I may be wrong, so don't quote me on this).

::And to expand on the list of folks who sell SPIDER gecko's (the list I mentioned in the above post), there is another person named, "Linda something" who is also a very well known breeder SPIDER gecko's. (But at the moment I cannot remember her name for the life of me). She was recommended to me by a few people, and seems to be a well-known authority on them.

::As a matter of fact, go to my initial response to your post, and check-out the link to "Pangea Reptiles" at the very bottom of the page. (I believe the link says something like, "Other Spider Gecko Pix"). They have some decent information on SPIDER gecko's.

::Or you can try talking to Loren or Dana, at "Sundial Reptiles". 505.256.3128. Loren is really nice, and will take the time to answer all your questions to the best of his ability - as well as writing lengthy, and very precise, answers to your questions. (Which I really appreciated)!! Now "THAT'S" customer service!!!

::I also came across a really cool care sheet written on them. And if you wish, I'll see if I can locate it and e-mail it to you.

::But my guess is that as Sunday is drawing nearer, SOMEONE is getting antsy. (He' he' he').

::Get the SPIDER!! (I beleive that they were selling for around $100 even).

::In Christ: Raymond

:::Never heard of a spider gecko.........looks cool, but fragile too .........

:::Where did you get info on them? Im thinking we are proabably gonna get a gargoyle gecko, not 100% sure, have to see, we are leaving it "alittle open ended" to make it more fun!

:::Glad things are good!

::::Hey Sue,

::::like you usually say, "Been there, done that". (Ha ha).

::::I am very excited for you. And I look foward to seeing your most excellent choice.

::::But if I may...her's something to chew on...

::::You already have a nice variety of different animals. So if possible, get another DIFFERENT animal. I already have my hands full with the three I currently own. (A FIRE MORPH cresty, a LEUCISTIC dragon, and a BLUE Nosey Be Panther chameleon). But if I were to choose another gecko, I would get a SPIDER gecko.

::::In my opinion, I really like the uniqueness of my animals. (And a SPIDER gecko is truly unique). But I also covet the "natural look" of their enclosures in my living-room. And a SPIDER gecko would not only be very unique, but it would also challenge you with a different environment to display him (or her) in.

::::I know that they are a challenge to raise, but I would personally like to have a "desert environment" gecko if I could find the time to properly devote to a fourth critter. (Oooooo...I can even picture how I would "decorate" his enclosure in my minds-eye).

::::There are a few folks who sell SPIDER gecko's. "Pangea Reptile" is one of well as Loren at "Sundial Reptile". (Loren is who I purchased "Sticky," my cresty, from).

::::I also responded to your personal e-mail a few days ago. I even sent you a current picture of "Shoot," my Nosey Be Panther chameleon. (Don't worry Sue, I'm safe, and didn't give you the "cold shoulder). He' he' he'.

::::And in closing...I'm glad to hear that "your zoo" is expanding. So make sure to post the pix and keep us posted.

::::I'll also attach a link to a page that displays more SPIDER gecko pictures at the very bottom of this post.

::::In Christ: Raymond

:::::for the reptile show on Sunday, my daughter and I are pumped!

:::::Havent l00% decided what we are gonna bring home, but are preparing anyway, a Rhac im pretty sure....we are also hopeing for deals on a light fixture, a large piece of driftwood for our bearded dragon and a climbing vine/tree for the new critter......

:::::the days just go fast enough for us and then i have a day or so off after to "play" with the new critters, have my order placed, will get my 2000 crix for my crew and the new little one on monday.

:::::so funny, but $$$$ is kinda tight right now,I rolled all my "change jars" and got l30.00 so im using that towards my daughter received some cash for her birthday/holidays and she wants to pay for the critter too so she can officially have half ownership! (she does quite a bit of cuddling of all the critters as well as myself on a daily basis)






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