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Re: some pics.

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Posted by obeligz on January 08, 2003 at 22:29:24:

In Reply to: Re: some pics. posted by leprachaun13 on January 07, 2003 at 17:14:44:

none of my leachie females are adults yet but I hope to get some eggs next year or maybe even late this year.
My hatchlings aren't deeding well and are giving me headache. ^_^

As for the chahouas I have 2 eggs coocking now. :o)
The female dug a 8 inch long tunnel through the roots and moss and deposited her eggs in between some roots. I had to dig for 30 mins to get the eggs out. ^_^

I think you'll like chahouas if you decide to get them.
I love mine. They're not exactly like leachies and have a different personality. I find that they are more active and funy than the leachies. They are also vocal, males make a wierd noise sometimes. Not loud but wierd none the less.


:As for the head-down sleeping, I've noticed the smae thing. I have a male leachie that sleeps head down on an almost vertical piece of corkbark. The only thing that is covering is one tiny leaf from a pothos over his head, it's actually pretty funny.

:My animals are all doing very well, and I hope yours are too. I have to wait another 8 months before my GT's are ready to breed and the suspense is killing me. Have you had any success breeding any of your leachies? or are they too young? I remember you talking a while back about your chahouas, and you thought that the female might be pregnant, did anything come of that?

:Right now, I'm really interested in buying a pair of chahoua, I've already found a beautiful pair, and am hoping to pick them up pretty soon. They're an adult mainland form with amazing red and green markings, hopefully I'll have some pictures soon. They'll be my first breeding attempt with Rhacodactylus.

:I have absolutely no idea how long it takes for a gecko to learn something. But from my observations, and experience with other geckos, I've come to the conclusion that Rhacs are some of the smarter geckos. They often develop habits, and they seem very calculating when they stalk the crickets.

:Maybe I'll start writing some posts for the Leachianus Mailing list, they're starting to slow down to only a a post or two a day. Good Luck


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