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Re: Temperatures......and advice.

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Posted by RhacsRsweet on January 01, 2003 at 10:45:12:

In Reply to: Temperatures posted by keen1098 on January 01, 2003 at 07:37:37:

60 degrees at night is way too cold. Try to use a 60watt infra-red at night then a 60 watt normal for day. My temps at my house are nearly the same as yours so these lights should work. In summer it doesn't get hot enough to have to use ac. I just don't turn on any lights. If the lights don't get your cage to about 72 at night and 82 at day try a 75 watt. And I also have a little advice on chameleons. I bought my first veiled 2.5 years ago. It was so cool...for the first five months. I had everything UVB lights, drippers, heat, vines, you name it I had it, but it cost me an arm and a leg. If you plan on holding one of these guys, WATCH OUT! They will bite and bite and bite! I even held it the right way so not to piss it off. And if anyone tells you the UVB bulbs last for about a year, they're lying! After five months my chameleon started to lose control of it's tongue. It would just fall right out(reallly freaky)! I new it was because that stupid UVB light. The breeder even said it was.Plan on getting a new light every 4 months(unless you get the T-rex active UV heat bulb, I heard they work for 2 years and are great). After his tongue got fudged up and I bought him a new bulb he got stressed out. He would not eat, drink, or hardly even move. He died after I had him for 7 months. Now I'm not saying that chameleons are bad I think they are really cool, but they are expensive and harder to care for. If you look at how much money I spent on chameleon stuff, then look at how much it cost me to setup cresty cages, I could have bought 3 cresty cages probably. I'm not saying not to buy one thing or the other(actually I sorta am), but I've been keeping reptiles for over 11 years and cresties are my favorite. So if I were you I would think about this for awhile. Did I mention veileds are pigs? Mine ate 29 mealworms in a day?!!

:Happy new year to all!

:I am currently in the research stage of getting another reptile. It is between a chameleon or a crested gecko. I have 1 female leopard gecko right now.

:Now to the question:
:I live in Northern New England, USA. It is winter here right now and we have 14" of snow. Inside my house however, it stays a constant 68-69 degrees F. But, at night, it gets down to 60 F. Is this too cold for a crestie without heat? If it is,what should I use for supplamental heat? Also, do any of you use the a/c in the summer in your house/condo/aparment? What do you do then?

:Sorry for so many questions, but better safe than sorry;)

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