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if it has mouth it can bite............

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Posted by mikecoscia on December 31, 2002 at 08:04:01:

In Reply to: Re: do leachies tend to bite???? nt posted by RhacsRsweet on December 30, 2002 at 20:17:28:

There is no such that as an animal that doesn’t bite…lol. I have one crested gecko that goes after me every time I open his cage. I also have been bitten at least once or twice by most of my other crested, and my aurics. The crested bites are nothing, can barely feel them. Auric’s have stronger jaws and their teeth are twice the size, so the little suckers drew blood from me. Leachies being twice the size in every category can give a nasty bite. I know of a couple of people who have been bitten and it is not something they want to experience again. Given they bite just as rarely as other rhac’s, however it can and will happen. As long as you don’t startle them (waking them up in the middle of the afternoon) or provoke them (try to loosen some shed up) you should be able to avoid a bite. If not it’s another great scar to tell a story about…hehe.

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