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I've got leachianus eggs!!!!

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Posted by RHACO-JACKO on December 16, 2002 at 10:10:18:

Well with being very busy with all the ciliatus hatchlings and eggs, I guess I didnt realize that my Grand Terre leachianus female was gravid (the pair is so big and bulky, that even the more experineced keepers probably wouln't have noticed). On 12-13-02 I noticed a white spot poking out of the vermiculite filled nest box, low and behold there were two huge leachianus eggs (how those two eggs came out of my 10 1/2 inch female I will never know. Boy, am I excited!!! Guess I was use to the ciliatus eggs because the leachianus eggs took me by suprise, they were at least 20 times the size of the crested eggs.

Just so I can prepare for possible hatchlings, can any experienced leachianus breeders\keepers let me know if they had kept hatchlings coupled or single in cages? Any other info.or tricks of the trade would be much appreciated. I'll keep you all posted. Happy Holidays to all. Jack

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