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Re: What size critter keepers do you use for your hatchlings??

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Posted by RhacsRsweet on December 13, 2002 at 07:40:51:

In Reply to: What size critter keepers do you use for your hatchlings?? posted by Gecko2525 on December 12, 2002 at 22:55:35:

Smaller containers are best for hatchlings, because it allows you to easily maintain a small animal. What are the approximate dimensions of it? I don't use them, so I wouldn't know. I personally like plastic rubbermaid containers, because they come in many sizes and are much cheaper than most other cages the same size. For hatchlings I like to use ones that are around 1ft long and 1ft high, but sometimes the stores won't have any more that size so I have to make acceptions.

:I was thinking a 5 gallon for one crested or is that wrong?
:I am going to have to go buy some in about a couple of months and I want to make sure. How long can they say in something of that size? What age is good to sell them?
:Just want to know what other breeders are doing!:)

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