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HA! Mine too! Not a chance in hell she would allow roaches!

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Posted by falconer44 on December 12, 2002 at 15:58:06:

In Reply to: Re:LOL Neither would mine now I think about it!!!!! posted by RhacsRsweet on December 12, 2002 at 15:28:04:

::I don't even think I could keep roaches either. Yuck!!
::I will try the real fruit idea. Thanks

:::It is possible that he is bored of his food. Some of my animals get like this every once in a while.Try some roaches. He might like them. I haven't tried them yet, but other people I've talked to have. Also if you use just fruit baby food try the real thing. Overripe fruit is very tasty to cresties.

::::I had bought some silkworms for my bearded one day and he loved them. I heard that they are quite good for them.
::::Anyways....My crested wasn't eating or eating very little. Someone on this forum suggested I try something new because he might be sick of eating crickets and baby food. Well this is where the silkworms come in. I put a 'baby' silkworm infront of him just to see if he would eat it. He licked it and BOOM he grabbed it!! Right on my hand too. Normally he never likes to try new things. He followed that silkworm with some babyfood too. Are the baby silkworms too big to give to my crested?? They are only like 1" long. Plus I try to make sure they go down properly. The next day I gave him crix and he didn't eat a thing. So I tried the silkworm again and he ate it right away. Though, I do see him eating his baby food once and a while.
::::He hasn't gone to the bathroom for a while now (he is on papertowel) so I don't know if he has worms or not. I had a fecal done about a month ago and it was clean.
::::What other worms can I try? I have tried mealies, but he didn't eat them. I want to try butterworms or supers, but I don't know what worms you can and can't use. Plus, I can't get the butterworms at my pet store.
::::Hope you can help me out.
::::Do you think he is bored with his food




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