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Re: Can anyone recommend a breeder?

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Posted by Mic on September 23, 2002 at 21:03:49:

In Reply to: Can anyone recommend a breeder? posted by Kat on September 23, 2002 at 18:27:46:

I would recommend, from my own personal experience, Sapphire Dragon Ranch and, I have gotten geckos from them both and I would say that the quality of their geckos rivals or matches the quality of any other crested breeder. Their prices, customer service and support, and quality make the experience all that much more pleasant. :)
There are other reputable crested breeders, but, as of yet, I have not dealt with them.

:I'm looking at getting into cresteds in the next few months, and was wondering if anyone could recommend a reputable breeder or two?

:Is there a preferred sex-ratio for housing cresteds? I'm aware that two males don't do well together, but will a male harass a female too much if she's the only one?

:Can anyone recommend a good book on crested gecko care? I've read several caresheets but I have a feeling they don't say everything that needs to be said. :)

:I'd appreciate any help anyone's willing to give.

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