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Re: Trying questions again

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Posted by STARMOM on October 31, 2002 at 18:37:10:

In Reply to: Re: Trying questions again posted by Dave A. on October 31, 2002 at 18:22:58:

::Hi All,

::Wondering if I broke a rule or something with my post I sent a few days ago, no one has there an FAQ I don't know about I should have read?

::"Hi All,

::I don't have any crested geckos but have an interest in getting one (yes, just one :) I have a couple of questions though that I have not seen answered in the reading I have done.

::1). They are said to be how much stress does it cause to get them out to "play" in the daytime...I don't plan on being up at 2am to get the crestie out.

:-----> Mine dont really care, they wont do much just sit there. At night they will run all over me and what not. I have heard that they can adjust their sleeping habits though. If possible you could also reverse their photoperiod. Leave a flourescent light on all night and keep them dark during the day. This would allow you to view them quite easily when you are awake.

::2). Do males or females make a better choice...or is there no difference?

:-----> Doesnt really matter. Males will get a bit larger but that about it.

::3). How often is best to clean the enclosure. I have read they are messy and must be kept very clean which does not lead to having a very naturalist house for them. I don't want to have to tear apart the tank every that really needed to keep a crestie happy and healthy (I have read that it is).

:-----> I dont find them messy at all. They dont poop in one area like leos do but i dont think they are messy. I have mine set up in a naturalistic enclosure and i just spot clean and clean the glass with a vinegar water solution once a week. Other than that theres no cleaning involved.

::I so far only know about crested geckos from what I have read but have a few years experience raising and breeding multiple species of Poison Arrow Frogs and it seems the crestie prefers a similar (but less wet) habitat as the frogs.


Sorry Tammy I just got a bearded dragon that Im trying to get adjusted to life with all my other critters and kids.....

Abby seems to enjoy her time out of her tank......we try to "respect" her when she is sleeping (my l2 year old dtr is IN LOVE with her, so am I) but when she is obviously awake and "willing" to crawl out usually after a nice warm misting and drink she will come and walk on us and check us out......

at first she was very "jumpy" but over time has learned that "the hand" is not such a bad place to be.....and "the hand" give her good stuff and love" now she starts out alittle jumpy and then just walks from hand to hand and occasionally jumps on my shirt etc......

I just take her trees out and other furnishings out every week or so for a good washdown in the sink........the water dish daily and I use the bottoms of paper cups ( I cut them down for the baby food).

Abby is a girl.......she is tiny............compared to our other house critters!

I hope this helps you sorry I wasnt her sooner.......

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