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Posted by mikecoscia on October 26, 2002 at 16:51:44:

In Reply to: Stripped auriculatus pics and Ceramic Soil for incubating posted by Silly-atus fan on October 26, 2002 at 11:07:30:

I have been using ceramic granules for the past 2 years since Tracy told me about it, which she heard from you of course..=) But yes I have used it with leopards, cresties, box turtles, bearded dragons, and chameleon eggs. It has worked great with all of them, and have never lost an egg due to molding or drowning.

Ceramic granules are much easier to use then perlite or vermiculite. With those two you have to mess with water to weight ratios. They also have the potential to soak up a lot of water and become very soggy and wet. If you don't get the ratios right they will make the surface of the egg very damp, giving mold the chance to grow or possibly drowning the egg. The medium also doesn't need to be that wet for the fact that eggs absorb water through their shells via water vapor in the air, not sucking it from the ground.

Ceramic granules are a different story I just add enough water till they all have evenly changed to a darker color or they start sticking together. The granules provide great air circulation and soak up enough water to keep the humidity high but not enough to be wet on contact. This is the major advantage that I think they have, they keep the humidity high and the eggs dry, which prevents molding.

Its also as easy to find as vermiculite or perlite. Any home garden center that sells ponds should carry it. I recommend it for everyone, once you try it you will never go back...=)

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