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Re: ceramic soil?

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Posted by Silly-atus fan on October 26, 2002 at 15:10:10:

In Reply to: ceramic soil? posted by Draconem on October 26, 2002 at 15:02:16:

As the web page (link below) says, it's "Inert, neutral, does not leach or break down".
It's meant to be a soil additive, specially in clay soil, or in ponds, since it has
millions of microscopic pores for beneficial bacteria to hole up in and break down
the soil, etc. etc. etc. However, for incubation, those pores work wonders for
holding moisture, and the irregular spaces between the granules make for fantastic
air exchange with the egg, and lessen the chance of drowning the embryo with soggy

I got the idea from a discussion on the GGA listserv. Apparently in Europe they're
starting to use Seramis, which is 'their' version of the same or similar product.
It's not available on this side of the pond, or at least not easy to find in my area.
The Aquatic Pond Soil (APS) is about as similar as you can get.
I'm hatched out my second generation of hatchlings using it, and I'm hooked. So far
I've recommended it to many people, and have only heard of one who wasn't happy with
it, though there might be some who just kept quiet. However, it's catching on fast.

I found it at the local garden center, in the pond section. And, double lucky, it was
September, end of season clearance, I got 4 bags for the price of one! Last year I
pitched it after each clutch hatched. Then, after some research, I realized it's
boilable, which sterilizes it..... reusable until the cows come home!!!

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