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Reverse mood swings more......

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Posted by on May 06, 2003 at 10:50:31:

In Reply to: Personality changes in retics posted by Francis Tan on May 06, 2003 at 06:19:02:

I have been keeping retics for a number of years now and I have seen babies that start off very ferocious and turn into giant puppy like animals and I have seen perfectly tame retics turn moody day to day and even year to year. I would say mood depends on things like barometric pressure, heat, humidity, care, substrate, ambience, and time of the year. My male retics are completely approachable in breeding season as long as you don't smell like any other retic. Then again my females are always tame and accept my presence almost anytime except when there is a 18lb rabbit or any food at stake. You better just give the rabbit up and slide the door closed. I have a male super tiger that during the breeding season he is all over the place searching for a mate and doesn't care if your around or not but gets pushy and will push his way past you to a females cage but in the feeding season he is perfectly fine with coming out and sitting on you. There is another aspect, its Retics tend to be person specific. Matt from Dominion has had a Bali that will be perfectly fine with him and his partner then the thing will tear up anyone else. I have a female retic who is similar in behavior and she really does not like men period. Well except for the super tiger she loves him. My tigers and supers are the best animals and they are very accepting of people. Time and patience tends to make retics tame just hang in there and you will find thr great rewards retics have to offer.

:I'm interested to know if you have noticed any personality change for the worse or vice versa. Be assured that regardless of your input, I'm in no way going to take for granted my safety around them but your info will help.

:Thanks in advance.


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