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Personality changes in retics

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Posted by Jorge Horna on May 06, 2003 at 07:52:45:

In Reply to: Personality changes in retics posted by Francis Tan on May 06, 2003 at 06:19:02:

Out of all my retics I have/had, I've seen two changing their behavior. I remember once accidentally hitting one of my yellowheads head with a hook; Why did I make such a horrible mistake? Since that day until the day I had him, his personality changed drastically. From being nice and friendly, he turned into a 2 1/2 feet beast. Nowadays, somebody else has it, and I believe he still gets moody once in a while. I still have 1.2 of his siblings, and they are very well behaved. My WC Sulawesi in the other hand, is capable to eat her water bowl if she could. The minute you open that cage she is ready to chew anything is on her way, but after she feels the hook, she coils around waiting to be handled. I remember when she was two feet long, you could remove the snake with your hands (Not recommended) out of the cage. Out of my whole collection, I own two WC animals. A green Anaconda and a Sulawesi retic. If you asked why I bought two WC animals, is because I couldn't resist their color and pattern.

Jorge Horna

Here are some Pics when they were babies........

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