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Personality changes in retics

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Posted by tango on May 06, 2003 at 06:59:06:

In Reply to: Personality changes in retics posted by Francis Tan on May 06, 2003 at 06:19:02:

A friend of mine once said their personality doesn't change, it augments. If you have a rambunctious juvi, he will turn into a larger hellion. I have seen this augmentation in four of my retics, including two w/c. One male tiger, however, did go through a personality change of sorts when he reached sexual maturity. He turned territorial and quite dangerous for me to keep. I have another male tiger whose personality has intensified from a very sweet and calm juvi to a more powerful sweet adult. It is like a playful Rottwieler pup jumping up on you and that same pup doing the same antics when he is full grown. That said, I have another good friend who has many years of experience with retics who says their personality does change, at least with the Sulawesi we were talking about at the time.
:Hi guys,

:I'm addressing this question to those of you who have owned retics from the time they were hatchlings up to the time they are adults.

:I'm interested to know if you have noticed any personality change for the worse or vice versa. Be assured that regardless of your input, I'm in no way going to take for granted my safety around them but your info will help.

:Thanks in advance.


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