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I would, and, I will, but..

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Posted by Antegy on May 01, 2003 at 06:47:25:

In Reply to: The truth about RodentPro posted by Andre1 on April 30, 2003 at 20:26:30:

I have to admit, I am a very suspicious and untrusting person, espcecially when it comes to businesses (because so much of doing business is strictly driven by profit margin). I do plan on calling them, and I expect that they will tell me what I want to hear. That is precisely why I wanted to do a little offline research myself ahead of the call to see what people know about them before I make the call. I just want to be as informed as possible when I do.

:Why not give them a call and ask them! I'm quite sure they will give you a answer.

::Is what I want to know. Does anyone know for sure how they put down thier feeder rats? I just got a shipment, which included some guinea pigs. Many of them, rats and pigs alike, looked as if they suffered some degree of trauma, as evidenced by the small amounts of blood I noticed around the noses.

::If anyone has any information I'd very much appreciate knowing. I want to be sure that I'm only buying from a company that humanely puts down thier feeder animals.

::- Mark

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