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I only buy from Bob Clark, and here's why,...

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Posted by BrianSmith on April 30, 2003 at 21:47:08:

In Reply to: I only buy from Bob Clark, and here's why,... posted by Sybella on April 30, 2003 at 19:59:29:

Just go to or look up at the top of any of these kingsnake pages and you will see the link to his site Bob Clark Pythons.

:Oh my goodness!! How generously he made up for his!! I'd be interested in taking a look at his web page, if he has one. Can you post a link for me?

::Hi Sybella,
:: I'll admit that Bob's prices are usually considerably higher than many other sources for the same breed of snakes, but I would MUCH rather pay a little more and know I am getting a quality snake with the unspoken guarantees that ultimately come with them than to save a little money and get who knows what from who knows where that may have God knows what. I like the comfort in knowing I am well taken care of. Here's a little example of what I am talking about; One time a very expensive morph, that was supposed to be a female turned out to be a male when probed over a year after I purchased it. This can happen to anybody. When I told Bob about it, without hesitation he rushed TWO replacement females to me free of charge and said I could still keep the original male! And the two females weren't babies either, but 2 year olds. AND over a year after purchase! Now how's that for above and beyond service? So am I paying too much? I certainly don't think so. You be the judge.

:::I've had a retic for 19 years...I know all about spending a fortune on feeder critters! LOL!

:::But, do people actually buy the snakes at these prices?? It's just astounding to me.



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