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Killer retics in the USA?

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Posted by BrianSmith on April 22, 2003 at 15:51:51:

In Reply to: Killer retics in the USA? posted by tic_head on April 22, 2003 at 10:02:30:

Actually, I'm in the process of trying to get my retics large enough to eat my neighbors. lol. Just kidding. :o

No, seriously,... sure things like that have happened in the past and they will undoubtedly happen again in the future. But like the one guy here said, the accounts are greatly exagerated for shock-value purposes and to market the program or paper that is relating the event. And also, it is incredibly rare and unlikely to happen. Dogs maul and kill people all the darn time, but we don't hear about it as much because it doesn't sell papers as well. Even more people are killed in freak auto accidents. So next time you read or hear about all the murderous pythons lurking somewhere and waiting to kill us, just remember that it is and always will be MUCH more dangerous to drive your car to the local market to buy a candy bar, than to raise a retic in a responsible manner, or to live near large constrictors. Just my thoughts on the subject.

:Have you ever heard of a retic getting out of its enclosure and killing/eating the family cat/dog/neighbor...? Just curious.

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