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Re: whats the best cage for my retic? Vision? CagesByDesign?

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Posted by tango on April 21, 2003 at 11:33:27:

In Reply to: whats the best cage for my retic? Vision? CagesByDesign? posted by abstractcypher on April 21, 2003 at 03:56:51:

I think some of this depends on the qualities you are looking for. Personally I don't like wood, even when it is properly sealed and finished. I like rounded corners as opposed to square corners. I like the ability to stack cages in order to save space. So far, I am describing a Vision or Neodesha (you could find some in good condition I think). I use 8-foot custom Neodeshas and wouldn't trade them for anything. For a retic I think you should seek a strong, large, easy to maintain cage. I keep hearing about Habitat but find them expensive and bulky looking. :Hey guys. I'm in the market for a permanent home for my retic and I wanted to know what you guys thought would be the best. I was thinking about giving her her own room, but after much thought and much debate, I chosen not to. So I want to get her the biggest, best cage that money can buy. ( well, atleast that $1,000.00 can anyway) I want something big, secure, and definitly easy to clean. The one I saw on CageByDesign looked a little to hard to clean up. Not to mention it was 1,400.00. Thats a bit much. Please help me out here guys. What do you have? Or what do you recommend. I dont breed, so thats not a factor. And my retic's a female, so she'll be getting big. I realy appreciate it everyone!

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