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Re: The only snakes I own that I feel are as intelligent ...

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Posted by CCD on April 20, 2003 at 17:42:53:

In Reply to: Re: The only snakes I own that I feel are as intelligent ... posted by OpethKills on April 20, 2003 at 03:16:34:

I guess I can see what you're saying, I've kept a few garter's that I've caught. A couple of them were pretty intelligent, but I believe there was another factor. I don't think the area I caught my garter's was too good an area, they just seemed sickly. I've read that garters readily bite, the tons that I've caught, hmmm... I think I was only bitten about twice or so. The one bite, the snake didn't even strike... I've also never caught a garter over about 20inches.(I'm trying to remember, there was one that I caught, labeled him big red, he was probably around 24+ in.) As for knowing exactly how intelligent they are, guess I wouldn't be too fond, I do know they are great escape artists and good lord are they active.

As for me, I've owned some pretty smart snakes, but I would say the most intelligent of them would be my Olive.(An amazing snake) I also haven't owned a retic so that could change. Then again I can say...My Macklot is a heck of a snake, I swear it's, last night feeding her, she tried to come around her hide and strike at me. Nevertheless, she tries quite a few things to get me and for being only like 18 inches, she is pretty darn smart.
just something peculiar about the majority of garters I caught...
take care,

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