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Hold her more often. She'll become more accustomed to

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Posted by BrianSmith on April 12, 2003 at 19:31:13:

In Reply to: SHE'S MUSKING, AGAIN!!! Need some advice... posted by AbstractCypher on April 12, 2003 at 19:26:11:

:Well I thought it was over, but appearently not! My retic (Ajha) was always musking for about the first 4 months I owned her. After a while she progressivly stopped doing it. Then I tried to put all my snakes on "dead" rats, which didnt work-they all stopped eating for like 3 months so I just gave up and went back to live, and moved her into a different (smaller) habitat. She only has to be in there for a short while (couple months) til I get the cash saved up for a vision cage. She was in a 110 gallon tank. So now she finaly ate last week when I fed her live rats, and now shes musking like crazy again! I cant stand it when she does it. As much as it bothers me I still dont put her down, thats how I got her to stop doing it last time. I dont know what else to do. If anyone has any ideas or tips for me i'd love to hear them. I dont realy like getting pee'd on. Thanks alot guys...

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