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Posted by laurenk on May 16, 2003 at 02:28:38:

Thank you all for your suggestions. I told my mom to log on here and read your responses. The good news it that she already had a light, a ramp, etc. Really, it was the size of the tank that was the problem. Her and I were talking about it and this was the problem she was having. Every week, the water turns yellow with urine and the filter didn't seem to be doing anything. She has the most expensive, "best" filter she could find. We figured that with only 10 gallons, the filter couldn't keep up. She was reluctant to get a bigger tank because she figured she would have to change the water in a 40 gallon tank (a 10 gallon tank takes her an hour to clean.) Does this seem like the right conclusion? If she gets a bigger tank, there will be more water, and hence the filter can keep up??? Do you guys normally have to change the water?


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