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basking platform

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Posted by dsres on May 14, 2003 at 10:31:56:

In Reply to: basking platform posted by kiwiturtle on May 13, 2003 at 22:24:16:

Thanks a bunch! Fortunately there is a Michaels and Target that I can go to get this stuff.

The Fluval 104 is working fine but the set up was a bit tricky. I like the waterfall effect you have. We'll have to see how clean the water stays after a couple of weeks.

:I drilled some holes on the sides of the plastic lid, and attached suction cups (4 total) on 2 sides of the lid using fishing lines. Similar way to attach your choice of ramp.

:You can get suction cups that come with metal hooks from Michael's (a crafts store) or any regular supermarket. The good thing is they come in different sizes. So you can buy large ones that supports up to 1 lb if you're worried about them falling off. To attach suction cup to the plastic lid, take that metal hook off, then wrap a piece of fishing line along the groove where the metal hook used to be, run the line through the holes you drilled on the plastic lid, and tie a knot to fasten it. I used fishing line because I didn't want to use any glue for fear that some chemicals might get released into the water.

::I haven't had the chance to set it up yet. I bought the Fluval 204 first but I was worried it would have too much suction power.
::Silly question but what do you use to attach suction cups and other pieces of plastic? Crazy glue? Where can you buy suction cups? I think I will do that.

::I also bought a picture of a sea bed and attached it to the back of the tank. You can get them in pet stores. For easy removal, I attached magnetic strips to the top and bottom so they stick to the top of the tank.

:::I sort of put the platforms together myself. I attached suction cups to some flat disposable plastic-ware (like the lid to a box) that's about 5"x8". Then attached another flat piece of plastic to it at an angle, serving as the ramp. I've seem pictures where people just invert a shallow plastic tray (which you can get at a dollar store, for organizing little things in the house), attach some strings to it and suspend it on the water surface. I think that should work pretty well too! The good thing about these DIY platforms is that you can always custom make them to accommodate your turtles. Hope that helps! BTW, I like the picture of your 10-G tank setup! How is the fluval-104 working for you? I have an Aquaclear 300 which I've been using for the past 3 weeks and I'm quite happy with it.



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