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Styrofoam, snacking...uh oh

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Posted by maggie on May 12, 2003 at 12:39:29:

In Reply to: Styrofoam, snacking...uh oh posted by bloggins on May 10, 2003 at 19:34:20:

Get cork it floats and lasts a long time plus turtles can climb on it easily because of the rough texture.

Turtles can only learn through positive reinforcement so they probably didn't understand why you were so upset with them:)

Hopefully the foam bead will pass...please feed plenty of boiled vegetables...please do not feed iceberg lettuce it has no vitamins

you may not see the foam beads in the stool because its so small ...but this is what you should do ...some turts eat there own poop so keep a net handy and scoop out poop asap because they will just keep eating the foam when they eat their poop

make sure your tank temps are around 74-76 (which is pretty warm) this will encourage digestion and bowel movements

good luck

:I was experimenting with with stuff to make a basking ramp out of, until I read a few posst on this forum. Too late, both my adult RES (both are about 6 in in length), they managed to eat a serveral invididual beads of the styrofoam (i picked them up and harassed them each time, so tehy only magaed to swallow a single bead at a time). I have since removed it from the tnak, and went bak to having a rock there.

:It's been day three, I havn't seen any tail kicking yet, or any abnormal behaviour, but should I expect constipation? or a serious intestinal blockage? Maybe it'll pass? seeing as these are adults? I have not yet seen signs of stool, I feed on alternating days. They have since had two feedings, a leaf of lettuce, and commercial food/shrimp.

:Any remedial solutions? and when should i see vet, if at all.


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