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New Baby Turtles!!

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Posted by suzyq on May 11, 2003 at 21:55:09:

Hi! Today both my brother and my mother called me to let me know that they gt baby turtles in Chinatown! These turtles are no bigger than an inch, which means they illegal and very young, but I think they are legal to own, right? I have a 5 inch red eared slider myself and I thought that maybe theirs might be red eared too. Sure enough they said there were orange streaks at the side of the head, but I was wondering if there was any other species that had this? I have not come across any. Anyways, I told them the basic care and mantinence of a red eared, but because I got mine as an adult, I am not sure about any special feeding care for babies. They each have the pellets and I advised them to start feeding some veggies when they got older, but I have no idea what meat products babies should eat. And how many sticks a day? Also, since neither of them have the proper lighting yet, would fifteen minutes of outdoor sun a day be okay for babies? I am sending them both good turtle web pages I have come across. Thank you very much in advance for any help!!

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