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Turtle help please!

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Posted by turtleyman on May 05, 2003 at 16:02:02:

In Reply to: Turtle help please! posted by GabyES on May 04, 2003 at 14:13:16:

:Not an expert, but sounds like a respiratory infection, one of my turtles had one and unfortunately she passed away. Take yours to the vet asap and quarantine it from his buddies. Someone correct me if im wrong... doesnt really sound like a respritory infection becuase it was a growth from the jawline. If you ask me, i think it is an after affect from the growth, but i have no clue how to treat it. You need to take it to a vet and show the vet how it swims.

::About a week ago my turtle had a weird growth on his jaw line, but i came off and healed nicely, but now, and even then, he cant seem to swim. He gets in his water and swims with his head on a downward angle at the surface and thats it! He seems to have extreme difficulty getting air when hes in this position. The other day i came home and he was spasing out,s wimming frantically in this position. I lifted him out of the water and he started gasping for air. Today i came home and he was belly up! but thankfully not dead. Again i lifted him out of the water and he began gasping for air. I have him in very shallow water right now. He is in a 30 gallon rectangle tank half filled with a pretty large area for him to bask. He and his two friends are only an inch or two big. I need help asap.... whats wrong with him? Has anyone heard anything like this?? Lacie email me at or post reply


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