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Summer pool

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Posted by lisa-n-durdyn on May 04, 2003 at 18:59:00:

In Reply to: Summer pool posted by trinket on May 03, 2003 at 16:27:27:

Jennifer- I got a blow-up kiddie pool at walmart for either $2 or $4... i can't remember... either way it was cheap and it has cute little frogs on it. i sometimes put durdyn (my 4-inch res) in it outside in the sun with a rock in there to bask, and so far she hates it. she mostly swims and digs around the perimeter of it, but hopefully she'll get used to it and like it. and she hasn't popped it. the other thing is that you need to supervise her if she's outside in case a neighborhood dog comes along and runs off with her or something crazy like that :b hope your res likes it better than mine

:So, I am going to have a nice screened in porch for the summer and I thought it would be nice to get one of those kiddie pools to let my turtle play in sometimes. But, the plastic ones are pretty immobile (I have a really little car) and I was considering a blow up one. Do you think my turtle would pop it with his claws? He is just a little guy still, about 2 and a half inches. Are there any other things I should consider? Thanks,

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