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ebo-jager heater operation question

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Posted by shocker on May 04, 2003 at 10:39:38:

In Reply to: ebo-jager heater operation question posted by kiwiturtle on May 01, 2003 at 16:36:12:

this happened a bit to my heater when i first got it, but i didn't think it was a big deal. i set my heater at 80 but sometimes it would stop at 78 or something. i don't think it still does this now, but i'm not completely sure. you can just turn your heater up a few degrees.

:I just started using my new ebo-jager heater (75W) in my 20G long tank. I set it to 74-75 degrees and noticed that the indicator light would turn off after at most 5 minutes and the heater would start to cool down. This would happen when my water temp was definintely colder (at 71C) than the set temp. I tried turning down the dial 3-4 degrees as suggested in the manual and then turning it back up to 75 degrees. Then the same thing would happen. Has anyone encountered this problem with ebo-jager before? Thanks a lot!

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