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Posted by lneumann on April 30, 2003 at 13:25:38:

In Reply to: GAH!!!!!! posted by sederah86 on April 30, 2003 at 13:13:59:

I would strongly suggest you get the turtle in for the surgury. Talk to your vet about a payment plan. I have not met a vet yet who would not be willing to take payments. Explain your financial status.
When you bought this little guy, you basically made a committment to take care of it .... that includes the vet bills.
The last thing you want is for it to suffer.
My 2 cents
:So I've been calling up vets to see how much theyd charge for the ear abscess surgery and all of them require me to take my turt in for an exam first and these exams alone are like 80 dollars!!! I cancelled the operation for today because I can't spend 400 dollars. Will my turtle die if I don't get it treated?

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