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Posted by jimsworld on April 28, 2003 at 22:04:02:

In Reply to: NEW POND FUNK posted by maggie on April 28, 2003 at 13:07:10:

:You can purchase a UV Sterilizer to attach to the pump OR just take the great advice and buy some water hyacinths...they'll grow really fast (they are illegal in many states though because people dump them in the water ways and mess up everything) can buy these plants online...oh and RES *LOVE* to eat water hyacinths ...please post pics it will inspire others to undertake a similar project:)

::I RECENTLY BUILT AN OUTDOOR POND AND MY WATER IS REALLY GREEN (NOT CLEAR). I dont want to introduce chemicals into my environment. How can I clear up the water to prepare for visual enjoyment and transplanting my RES'. One person at a pet store recommended puting in some hyacinth and that should clear it up. Currently i have the largest pond filter you can buy at home depot. I am considering making a homemade filter and incorporating it into a waterfall. The filter i purchased is nothing special, basically a bucket with a pump inside that sucks water through the top past a foam filter and into some bioballs and ejects it out a tube into a fountain shape. I threw in a couple of pieces of drift wood from my RES tank hopeing that would add some bacteria into the system, but no change yet.


Yes the water hyacinths are a great choice for a pond...Keep this in mind...They grow "EXTREMELY" fast..and will take over your pond overnight...I know...I had to eliminate them and opted for the UV Sterilizer...I works faster and does not clog the filter system...As the hyacinths grow..The root systems break down to allow for expansion...Quickly clogging even the best filter systems...This is why they are illegal in a lot of areas...They are easily capable of completely block water flow in large streams and creeks...

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