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turtle with no eyes / algae

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Posted by peeloutyourface on April 22, 2003 at 21:22:02:

i got another new turtle today. my friend's roommate had one and she was taking the worst care of the little guy. so i happily said i would take it off her hands. this turtle seems pretty healthy despite its old living conditions. its shell is hard and i fed him and ate pretty well. he swam around a lot since i put him in deeper water. the only problem is he has no eyes. he has tiny little slits that appear to be like eyelids and they blink, but he has no eyes. he seems to have little eye cavities, but just no eyeballs. when he was eating he would just feel around until his face would find food. he seems to be surviving pretty well with no eyes. he's survived since september in crappy living conditions. he gets really scared if you pick him up and he goes back in his shell because i dont think he knows whats going on. i really don't think he can see because my other turtle gets scared and tries to hide if you come near him and he just acts normal until you touch him. is this possible or am i just crazy? do you think he will survive ok like this. i'll see if i can get a picture of him.

also he was living in a really nasty tank and she never cleaned the water and it had algae all over the filter/large rock that was in the tank. so i took these because i figured i could always use another filter. whats the best way to get rid of algae? i tried to clean as much as possible with a sponge and paper towel and right now theyre soaking in really hot water.

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