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passive turt

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Posted by jimsworld on April 22, 2003 at 20:49:48:

In Reply to: passive turt posted by periwinklewalnut on April 21, 2003 at 21:09:31:

:i'm frustrated with my one turtle. He won't leave that darn corner. He just sits there ALL the time, only moving when I take him out to fed him. He doesn't bask at all. I moved the filter today so that he couldn't go in the corner and he just went next to the filter as close to the corner as he could get. Should i take him out and make him bask? Should i take out the plants in that corner so he can't hide in them? He seems healthy other than this. He doesn't have any drainage from his nose, eyes or mouth. He eats. He just doesn't swim or bask whe in the tank. Doees anyone else have this going on?!?? Should i make him bask?

Kristy...How long have you had your RES.? Especially with juveniles, it is not uncommon for them to hide motionless for safety. You have to remember they are merely reacting to genetic instinct. Should you make him bask...I would try taking him out of the water for say 15 to 30 minutes every couple of days to let him know it's ok. Hope this helps...

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