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Re: tank setup

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Posted by maggie on April 18, 2003 at 15:48:54:

In Reply to: Re: tank setup posted by uncg2005 on April 18, 2003 at 14:50:55:

The gravel may make it harder to clean. Plus as your turtle grows it may accidently eat it. I have heard of cases where the digestive system of babies can be impacted with gravel resulting in death. You may want a couple of big smooth river rocks instead...your tank looks pretty good...plenty of swim space and I suggest "jade" as a name for the "nameless one" :)
:To post pics u have to upload them to the photo gallery then it will let you post them in the forum. As far as tank setups go the bigger the tank the more options but when it comes to decorations it comes down to the owner a tank that looks really good is probably a pain to clean. Look at pics in my post below this one. Looks good but does take a lot of time to get everything out of the tank and get all clean. Plus mine is done all with rock so it never looks the same when i set it back up. But plants are something easy to add i just use fake ones for permanent setup. And just put live plants in for food. My turtles like sleeping while balancing on top of the fake plants also. Keep in mind there are lots of owners who have bare tank bottoms, making them a snap to clean. So it's basically your preference

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