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Re: constipation :)

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Posted by periwinklewalnut on April 16, 2003 at 21:26:42:

In Reply to: Re: constipation :) posted by critterwoman on April 16, 2003 at 20:47:07:

i def'n don't have a good routine with my turtles simply bc i don't have a routine to my work either. i work different hours every day and so when they eat is always at different times. i do feed my turts in a seperate container and they both eat well although the one i'm worried about is a little less vigourous about it. As far as not having enough water, i guess i didn't really understand what you meant. Their whole tank is water except their basking spot, so how would they not be getting enough. Their tank doesn't smell at all, but i have a good filter and clean it weekly. As far as going outside, when summer finally comes and this friggin' snow goes away i can't WAIT to take them outside :) Maybe i should just be leaving them in their feeding tank after they eat longer. ???

:I have four juv eastern box all are 2" or less. Following a good routine is best. First take a tupperware, or whatever and put about a 1/4" of luke warm water in and soak the turtles for at least 15 minutes. Sounds like they may not get enough water. What are you feeding? Do you see them eat? Is it warm enough where you live to take them outside for some sun? You would definately see or smell if there digestive system is working properly even when they are small. Usually they will evacuate when they are soaked. Even my adult boxies outside like to get into the water and soak in my shallow pond areas for this purpose.


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