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Re: Undergravel filteration for dirt build ups?

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Posted by Mayo on April 16, 2003 at 08:29:45:

In Reply to: Undergravel filteration for dirt build ups? posted by ericasa on April 12, 2003 at 13:07:34:

I my years in the aquarium hobby, I have determined that about 50% of people love them, and the other see no use in them. I am one that actually likes them. I do not have one with the turtle, but I do have a complete one in one of my tanks (complete meaning the undergravel part and the clear piping with small air stones), and an incomplete one with my oscars (incomplete meaning only the undergravel part). I know from this you are thinking to yourself, "what does this do?" I actually know people that have used only an undergravel filter for both salt and fresh tanks. When complete the air bubbles that travel up the clear tubes create a "flow" of water from the open tank, through the gravel (where is is filtered by the gravel) and back out the tubes. Since my oscars destroy the piping, I can only use the base, though this does not function the way it was meant. What happens for me is that the "gunk" settles to the bottom and gets trapped in the gravel. When I go to vacuum the tank, I just place the siphon over one of the piping holes (which I keep covered) and it sucks out all the crap. I also does this on my working UG filters, just pop off a tube, and siphon all the junk under the base. This really beats having to stir up the gravel and scratch up the tank while moving the gravel around. Hope this helps. I am a definite proponent of the system, but some will swear to their death that they do absolutely nothing. If it works for you, as it does for me, great for you. If not, join the 50% of the crowd that seems them as useful as a waterbucket with a hole in the bottom.

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