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Re: Answers for Rhubarb

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Posted by Rhubarb on April 16, 2003 at 06:27:23:

In Reply to: Answers for Rhubarb posted by maggie on April 15, 2003 at 17:15:18:

Thanks Maggie!!!!

:Again, the hissing is note like a snake hiss its not meant to "scare" you its just the noise of air escaping from their throat and lungs because the turt needs to make room for his/or heard to withdraw inside the shell. Move slowly around your turtle and soon it will know that you do not mean it any turtle is so used to me he will stretch out his head and legs when I move him to his feeding container (he lets his legs dangle in the air). If your turtle is a male (long tail long nails) then it will grow just a little bit more like around 7 inches (but the growth will be so slow you will hardly notice it)...maybe the store had it for only 3 months...increase water depth so your turtle can really swim or let it walk around to burn calories (outdoor enclosures should be escape proof and predator proof).

::my turtle will hiss occasionally when I take him out of his tank. Does this mean he is not an adult? He is big (5 1/2 inches) and we thought he was probably somewhere around 3 years old, but I don't know for sure. The people at the pet store told us he was 3 months old!!! This was before I knew better. Just wondering what this means. I wouldn't be surprised if they fed the turtle so much he is now overweight for his age. :)

:::NO adult turtles do not vocalize nor hiss that's just air escaping from them when they withdraw their heads quickly in fact if you hear your turtle wheezing it means that he/she has mucous or phlegm in their nose and that may be a symptom of illness



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