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Re: Cuttlebone Question

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Posted by shocker on April 15, 2003 at 18:21:40:

In Reply to: Cuttlebone Question posted by Alli on April 15, 2003 at 12:43:22:

i heard you just leave the cuttlebone in the water and they just nibble on it

:I just bought some cuttlebone, the ones that are made for birds...I'm assuming there is no other kind? Anyway, I broke off tiny pieces and hand fed them to my yearling, most of the times he just spit it back out, but he did swallow a few bits. My question is: How much should I be feeding him, and how often?
:By the way...he's nearly a year old, and is about 2 1/2 inches long from the top of his shell behind his head to the tail end.

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