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Re: worried about my turtle

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Posted by maggie on April 14, 2003 at 08:38:39:

In Reply to: worried about my turtle posted by periwinklewalnut on April 14, 2003 at 08:17:05:

This is strange since you mentioned the warm temps. It may be constipated offer boiled green veggies which are easy to digest and provide the fiber it needs to eliminate. Since there are no external signs of illness you may have to take it to the vet...this a long term thing but if its warm in your area expose your turtle to direct sunlight (give it shade and some water to let it regulate its own temps)...natural sunlight never fails to aid a reptile's overall health...but yes this is strange indeed!

:One of my turtles, the one who's always been less active, is REALLY inactive now. He found this corner in the tank behind the plants and he doesn't ever leave there. I hardly ever see him basking, he doesn't swim around, he just sits in that corner all closed up. :( Is he ok?? When i take him out to eat he still does, although not as much as my other turt. His eyes look fine, no problems on his shell. The water is at 80 degrees. I don't know what the problem could be. Any ideas or is this just normal RES behavior??

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