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Posted by Jimsworld on April 12, 2003 at 21:31:31:

In Reply to: Re: Turtle Stacks...!!?? posted by jimsworld on April 12, 2003 at 19:25:16:

After some checking about I think I have the answer. Seems that number one is space. If not enough space is available then tandem stacking is common. Two, Younger RES's will stay close to larger adults for protection from the air. Birds of prey are less likley to feed on adults, but will eagerly take juveniles.
UV is absorbed through a tiny optic lens on the top of the head. This is the only part needed to be exposed for this. The rest is just to heat em up...
:Well, interesting guesses, but still not a rational explaination. Not to say turtles are rational by any sense of the word. Might be an interesting thing to run a study on. I have friends that I used to work with at the National Audubon Society. I might suggest to them just such a study..I will keep everyone posted on this one..

::This may be a stupid idea but I think its so the turtles can see any predators/humans that come to interfere with them.. so for safety purpose, if their stacked higher then maybe they could see farther then say the turtle squished on the bottom :)


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