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Re: Undergravel filteration for dirt build ups?

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Posted by Jimsworld on April 12, 2003 at 21:05:26:

In Reply to: Undergravel filteration for dirt build ups? posted by ericasa on April 12, 2003 at 13:07:34:

Undergravel filters are ok as a secondary filter. Keep in mind that the UG's were first developed in the early seventies before overflow or canister filters were available. I don't use them.. I find that they are more trouble than they are worth. In my aquariums that house my RES I put a dark colored backing on the bottom and left the glass bottom alone. Easier to clean and healthier in my opinion..

:My aquarium seems to be as clean as can be, but the dirt that builds up on the bottom between the gravel makes me think the external filter I have doesn't do it's job. I know it can't reach every corner of the tank, and it only sucks in dirt that flows near it, but what can I do? I'd prefer leaving the gravel in the tank. Should I get an undergravel filter? How does it work and is it really affective? Could I go without one, and if I do, how can I get rid of the dirt that builds up?

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