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Re: stuck

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Posted by nogoodusernames on April 12, 2003 at 17:20:59:

In Reply to: stuck posted by turtleyman on April 12, 2003 at 17:08:43:

My turtle when it was very small and still a new hachling tried numerous times to get into a piece of driftwood and I always feared the same thing. However, he never did and eventually became to large to fit anyhow. Just be watchful. In my experience, the turtle wont cram themselves into spaces so unless its a maze of holes I would think you'd be okay. In the wild there are lots of things with holes it in and I've never heard of a turtle getting stuck in a log.

Hope this helps. I'm sure others will have more wisdom.

:i have not bought a large rock with holes in it, or driftwood basking items for fear that the turts may get stuck in the cracks between two seperate sticks or rocks and not be able to go up for air and drown...... is this likely? thanks

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